When one thinks about living on a boat full-time, it's often too easy to glamorize a lifestyle that takes a boatload of preparation, execution, and adaptability. But, if...
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We’re excited to partner with NauticEd, your go-to resource for online boating education! Together, we’ll deliver key updates on USCG...
This year's boat names honored language, love, family, and tradition. They paid homage to your furry first mates, appeased the gods, helped...
The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the United States. From the deep green of the Olympic...
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Do you stay traditional and name your boat after a sweetheart? If you've been jilted, do you name your boat something bitter as a form of...
Every day in April, we're handing out Dockwa Dollars to boaters who leave marina reviews of our partner marinas. See how to enter and who's...
It's the weekend – "Caturday," to be precise – and we're looking to Instagram's #boatcats for boating tips to keep every crew member...
Hello, April! In a month when many marinas are gearing up for sunnier days, spend the next 30 days showering them with reviews on what...
As you celebrate St. Patrick's Day, raise a Guinness to the Irish captains who keep their heritage proudly on display all year long! Get...
Cruising around social media doesn't always make it to the top of our list, but last week some marinas and industry channels caught our eye...
Hundreds of boaters shared their boat name backstories with us for our annual Boat Names contest!
Most boaters love kicking back with a beverage – and since rum is often the base ingredient of choice, we've pulled together a little list...
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