The annual sock burning began in the Spring of 1978, when, after a snowy winter, boatbuilder Bob Turner bid his oppressive sock-wearing days farewell for the summer by...
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This year's boat names honored language, love, family, and tradition. They paid homage to your furry first mates, appeased the gods, helped...
The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the United States. From the deep green of the Olympic...
To help make the re-naming process as easy as possible, below are a few essential steps needed to get your boat registered under its new...
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“Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.” – Maya Angelou
Today, we’re sharing a few easy and inexpensive projects that boaters may want to consider before setting sail in a few months.
Whether celebrating your significant other or your merry band of platonic mates, planning a getaway aboard can present some unique...
When it comes to boaters, there's a lot to love. Here are some of our favorite traits about YOU, the boaters, scallywags, first mates, etc....
While suicide is highly preventable, asking for help can be extremely difficult for many veterans as personal responsibility and...
Before you hit the high seas, you must be fully versed in the ins and outs of boat ownership. To help with this, we gathered some top tips...
To help make the re-naming process as easy as possible, below are a few essential steps needed to get your boat registered under its new...
Read on to learn the pros and cons of both new and used boats, and then you can make the decision on which is best for you.
Read on to learn more about 10 of the most popular boat models and what you can expect when making your big purchase.
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