There are so many new boat owners out there, which has its pros and cons. We love the fact that many more people are getting into this exciting recreation, but without proper boating education, it can get dangerous. As veteran mariners, I think we all understand the benefits of being able to share our knowledge with those new to cruising, docking, anchoring, and navigating.
That’s why we’ve created aflote. A place where you can share your knowledge with novice mariners based on your geographical location. Our interactive maps allows you to join homeports (marinas, yacht clubs and boat ramps) and connect with other boaters, view weather and events, share knowledge and ask questions within our easy-to-use feed. As a new boater, you can connect with those familiar with the area to discover new and nearby harbors or even exchange maintenance and customization advice on your particular boat.

aflote will launch in Florida first, mid-April 2022, and then expand out into the Caribbean and lower Gulf states. We are also proud to announce our partnership with Dockwa. In a few months following our launch, we will be integrating their sophisticated marina slip, mooring and dock booking system into our app. Can’t wait to see you out on the water!
To download aflote on Apple or Android, visit their website to sign up for early access.