Just as the transient dockage requests you receive from Dockwa sync with your Dockwa dashboard, now long-term dockage requests do as well. Introducing: custom Long-term...
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In my day to day chats with boaters, one topic that comes up a ton is the highs and lows of various marina bathrooms and showers. With good...
As Director of Strategy and Operations at Dockwa, I spend my days focused on how we align our resources to best enhance the boater...
In the days and weeks to come, boaters across the country will cancel trips due to travel restrictions or financial limitations, while...
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We have some exciting news: Dockwa's free marina management software now recognizes and accounts for cash, check & ACH payments on all...
Dockwa launched in 2015 as a transient reservation platform, which marinas have used to streamline their operational efficiency, improve...
Watch Hill Marina Fire Island now can charge boaters for their metered electric through Boat Charges. Since this summer's release of Dockwa...
As a service provider in the restaurant industry, you wouldn't forgo 35% of your tips. So why, as a service provider in the marine...
As a marina reservation request and management software, Dockwa may seem in opposition to marinas that fill slips on a first-come,...
Business Hours are between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Data taken from 2017 and 2018 Dockwa Reservations. Over a third of all marina...
If you're familiar with marketing concepts and jargon, you probably know that when we talk about the Marina Marketing Funnel we're not...
Sometimes when I'm chatting with a marina manager and we get on the topic of marketing, there's a sense of shame: I should be doing more, I...
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