Business Hours are between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Data taken from 2017 and 2018 Dockwa Reservations. Over a third of all marina...
Never Miss a Dockage Request with an Online Booking Form
Post by Katharine Kirk - Published on 06/26/18 14:42 PM

As a service provider in the restaurant industry, you wouldn't forgo 35% of your tips. So why, as a service provider in the marine industry, would you forgo 35% of your dockage requests?
Across the marine industry, 35% of dockage requests are made after business hours. In other words (and numbers), the amount of after-hours requests boaters attempt at marinas is equal to more than half the volume of business day requests. Without an air-tight way to capture these after-hours dockage requests at your marina, you effectively leave 35% of your potential pay day on the table.
⅓ of Dockage Requests Go Unseen
If this 35% stat sounds surprising to you, it may be because this cohort of slip requests often goes unnoticed. They come in the form of an after-hours call to the marina, or a missed email sent to the office post closing time. In the world where you can accommodate each of of these additional dockage requests, doing so equates to a potential 50% increase in revenue. Even if you can accommodate none of these guests, interacting in some positive way with them doubles your opportunities to create return customers.
You may think your total number of dockage requests is the navy bar, but it’s really the grey bar. The requests you’re missing out on is the light blue bar (more than half the requests you currently receive!)
How to Never Miss a Boater
To confidently capture these after-hours dockage requests, add the Dockwa reservation form to your marina’s website. Even during business hours, it’s the only surefire way to make sure no dockage requests fall through the cracks (there’s no web-form equivalent to a busy phone line!)
With no effort on your part, you’ll capture dockage requests when you’re working, relaxing - even sleeping. At the time of a dockage request made through your website, both you and the boater will automatically receive a notification email - just as you would when a request is made via the Dockwa website app. That means the boater always gets a speedy response to their inquiry and you always stay on top of who would like to visit your marina and when.
Adding the Online Booking Form to Your Marina’s Website
Under “Settings,” in the “Resources” section of your marina's Dockwa portal, you will find a snippet of code that you or your web developer can place on your homepage.
Simply copy and paste this text into the HTML of your website to let boaters make dockage requests with the same streamlined experience of the Dockwa app. Plus, with the online booking form, the boater never needs to actually use the Dockwa app or website. You'll have all the booking functionality of Dockwa integrated with your homepage so boaters can book directly on your website.
Interested in adding the booking tool to your website but not sure how to do it yourself? If you need help adding the code to your site, shoot us an email, connecting us with whoever manages your marina's website. We’ll walk him or her through the steps needs to turn your website into a 24-hour, dockage request machine!