Since 2014, our goal of growing boating has motivated us to develop tools that make both the lives of boaters and the jobs of marina staff...
Marinas Are Using Dockwa Boat Charges in 3 Major Ways
Post by Katharine Kirk - Published on 10/17/18 17:24 PM

Watch Hill Marina Fire Island now can charge boaters for their metered electric through Boat Charges.
Since this summer's release of Dockwa Boat Charges, marinas have been using the feature to:
- Simplify how they manage all boater purchases
- Provide boaters with a pain-free (and wallet-free!) payment experience
And while we had in mind the mix of items marinas would use Boat Charges for as we developed the feature, we've been thoroughly impressed at the breadth of uses we've seen to date. Dozens of unique uses were logged by our partner marinas, but we bucketed the different Boat Charge into three main purposes:
- To simplify how marinas charge for items they already sell
- To expand products and/or service offerings at the marina
- To reduce payment headaches when things do go according to plan
So if you're wondering whether you should use Boat Charges at your own marina, take a look at how your industry colleagues are already putting the feature to work - you may be inspired!
1. Simplify how you charge for items you already sell.If you're a marina that already sells ice, fuel, electric, sunscreen, snacks, You-Name-It, charge boaters for those same items right through their Dockwa reservation. You'll save time by keeping all transactions in one system and your boaters will thank you for providing the convenience of a tab or house account.
Besides typical ship-store items, we've also seen partner marinas charge through Boat Charges:
- Pumpout service
- Tender dockage
- Resort fees
- Trailer storage
A & B marina in Key West is using Boat Charges to simplify ship store transactions.
2. Expand the products and/or services your marina offers.
If the price and set up of credit card terminals, point-of-sale equipment and software have ever made you hesitant to expand the products and services your marina offers, you're in luck. Boat Charges requires no costs or equipment (beyond what you currently use to manage your Dockwa account) and is flexible enough to charge boaters for any new stream of revenue you may want to establish at your marina.
Boat Charges enables you to start:
- Selling hats and shirts with your marina's logo. Give boaters something to remember you by! When you sell your marina's gear to boaters, you not only create a new stream of revenue but a new way to advertise your marina as your boaters show off your logo with each wear. If you're unfamiliar with creating custom apparel, we recommend using ePromos. You'll design your marina gear to your liking and have it sent directly to you marina.
- Providing new services that enhance the boater experience - no overhead required. Concierge services like a mailing package for a boater or purchasing a 6-pack for a boater and delivering it their boat are an excellent way to make guests feel welcome and at home. They require no costs, other than your time, and are easily charged to the boater's reservation "tab" with just one extra click.
- Hosting (and charging for) events at your marina. As a waterfront property, your marina is by default an excellent place to host a party. If you're looking for a new way to engage and entertain your boaters or raise some extra cash to fund, say, this year's dock repair, consider hosting an event at your marina. You can set up an admission fee as a Boat Charge and add it to your boater's reservations as they RSVP "Yes."
- Accommodating ad hoc boater requests. Say "Yes" more often! One marina partner was asked by a boater if their ship store sold boat ladders. Though the ship store did not, the manager had a ladder in the office that he was willing to part with at a reduced price. With Boat Charges, this marina not only was able to take advantage of an economic opportunity, but was also able to please a customer in need.
Oak Bluffs Marina on Martha's Vineyard is saying "Yes" to more boaters with Boat Charges.
3. Reduce headaches when things don't go according to plan.
As you are well aware, plans change, accidents happen, and more often than not, your marina is stuck with the bill. With Boat Charges, you can charge boaters for incidentals such as unreturned gate keys or damage fees. Or, if a boater wants to stay at your marina longer than planned, use Boat Charges to add the cost of their extra night's stay to their Dockwa bill.
Boston Waterboat Marina can use Boat Charges when boaters leave the marina without returning their Gate Key.
So whether your marina's goal is to consolidate processes, create new extra revenue streams, or mitigate unexpected boater costs, Boat Charges is flexible enough to handle them all. Plus, it's part of your existing Dockwa package and is free to implement.
Are you using Boat Charges at your marina? If so, let us know how! We'll keep this post updated with the new and creative ways you are putting Boat Charges to use.