The start of a new year means a clean slate: 365 days to explore more harbors, marinas, and boating events. If your resolution includes getting out on the water more,...
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We’re excited to partner with NauticEd, your go-to resource for online boating education! Together, we’ll deliver key updates on USCG...
This year's boat names honored language, love, family, and tradition. They paid homage to your furry first mates, appeased the gods, helped...
The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the United States. From the deep green of the Olympic...
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New year, new marinas! Add even more cheer to your New Year's cruising resolutions: ring in 2019 by taking a minute to scope out our newest...
As we're wrapping up our year here at Dockwa HQ, we took a stroll down memory lane to see which topics and updates got the most attention....
The annual Boaters Choice awards, organized by Dockwa's sister-site Marinas.com, is a long-standing tradition within the boating community....
As you're rushing around in the holiday hubbub, take a second to imagine cruising under blue skies to tie up at your favorite Dockwa marina...
Continuing the trend of giving – from giving thanks, #GivingTuesday, and our boater gift guide, we present to you our 14 newest partner...
December may be booking up with end-of-the-year errands, but our boaters always seem to find time to get down to the waterfront. Find a...
The holiday season is in full swing! This Christmas, opt for one of these boating tools, toys, or tech accessories for the captain and crew...
Nothing kicks the holiday spirit into gear like an evening with friends and family as your harbor sparkles with holiday cheer!
Being part of the boating community sometimes means relying on good samaritans to share knowledge or help you out of a jam. From Salty...
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