Meet Captain Dave Horne, whose life has been entwined with the waters of Buzzards Bay since childhood. Through his story below he shares his life of adventure and...
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This year's boat names honored language, love, family, and tradition. They paid homage to your furry first mates, appeased the gods, helped...
The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the United States. From the deep green of the Olympic...
To help make the re-naming process as easy as possible, below are a few essential steps needed to get your boat registered under its new...
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Will Tome, the base owner of PowerTime Charleston, offers a refreshing perspective on the world of boating. This article peeks behind the...
Embarking on the world of cruising with a large boat for the first time, guest writer Pym Avery dives into a tale of rapid learning and...
Brown and Eileen Councill set off on an epic adventure back in 2020. They bought Blown Away, a Leopard 44, in St. Lucia, and have been...
Sailing is the best sport in the world, and there are endless opportunities for it around the United States, from private and public...
A leader in US and International sailing education, NauticEd launched in 2008 with a mission to create safer, more competent sailors. Their...
Do you stay traditional and name your boat after a sweetheart? If you've been jilted, do you name your boat something bitter as a form of...
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