Captain Jim Mize, a seasoned deep-sea fisherman and Newburyport local, plays a pivotal role in the anticipated Northeast Bluefin Showdown. His story below weaves through...
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This year's boat names honored language, love, family, and tradition. They paid homage to your furry first mates, appeased the gods, helped...
The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the United States. From the deep green of the Olympic...
To help make the re-naming process as easy as possible, below are a few essential steps needed to get your boat registered under its new...
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Will Tome, the base owner of PowerTime Charleston, offers a refreshing perspective on the world of boating. This article peeks behind the...
With a fresh college degree on my desk, a new remote job, and an ever-evolving love for the sea, I quickly found myself spending my...
For Your Salty Sea Pets Solstice Inflatable Pup Plank Dog Ramp Solstice Inflatable Pup Plank Dog Ramp makes it safer and easier for your...
This week we welcome back Dave Horne from MyBuzzardsBay to the Dockwa blog! Dave is an avid cruiser who loves exploring the Northeast and...
This week we welcome Chris Gasiorek to chime in on the Dockwa Boater Blog: Chris not only heads up the Watercraft Preservation and Programs...
It seems that every time we've run a giveaway, karma has intervened and rewarded a boater who has given back to the boating community, and...
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