As we're wrapping up our year here at Dockwa HQ, we took a stroll down memory lane to see which topics and updates got the most attention....
2018 Dockwa Boater Blog Preview & Top 10 Posts of 2017
Post by Becky at Dockwa - Published on 01/13/18 13:59 PM

From hurricane recovery progress to some good old-fashioned boaty listicles, see Dockwa boaters' top 10 favorite Boater Blog posts in 2017.
10. Cruising the Dismal Swamp: What Boaters Can Expect on This Years Southern Migration
Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc in 2016, but the Dismal Swamp recovered just in time for this year's snowbirds.
9. Cancellations While Cruising: The East Coast's Most Accommodating Marinas
One huge misconception about booking through Dockwa is that we dictate cancellation policies. False! In fact many (200+) Dockwa partner marinas allow boaters to cancel same-day at no penalty.
8. From Puget Sound to Solomons, MD: 17 New Dockwa Partner Marinas Span the Coasts
We welcome new marinas to Dockwa every month, and every month boaters love seeing which ones are catching on and going high-tech.
7. The Best Hurricane Holes Marinas in the Chesapeake, Carolinas, and Florida
This post came in handy for boaters making their way to safety last fall, and can help you in plan if you're new to evading the storm.
6. Where to Watch 4th of July Fireworks by Boat
Holidays are better on a boat, and July 4th is no exception! Our annual update helps boaters ensure some sparkle in their seasons.
5. Dockwa's Annual Sailing & Boating Holiday Gift Guide
Even Santa can use a little guidance when it comes to gifting to old (and new) salts!
4. Crossing the Gulf Stream: How to Boat from Florida to the Bahamas
Seems we have a boatload of snowbirds in the DBB audience! We'll keep this in mind for 2018 for sure.
3. The History and Origin of Figawi Race Weekend
Dockwa got its start in New England, so it's only fair that the history of New England's most infamous sailing weekend piqued your interest.
2. Boating Industry Leader Joins the Dockwa Family
This was huge news – huge! – last year. Expect (more) awesome things from our sister site in the year to come. We'll keep you posted.
1. Boat Names: Twelve Tacks to Take When Naming Your Boat
Is it the boating lore? The snark? The names themselves? Whatever it is, Dockwa boaters seem to love this tongue-in-cheek post about naming your boat.
Did your favorite blog post make the list? What do you want to see covered on the Dockwa blog? Let us know! Email