As we're wrapping up our year here at Dockwa HQ, we took a stroll down memory lane to see which topics and updates got the most attention....
2020 went so far off course that we're still recovering, regrouping, and year-in-reviewing!
If you're a new boater to Dockwa, get up to speed by reading the posts that threw the most wake in 2020. If you're a long-time Dockwa boater, see if any got past your radar. Either way, let us know what you'd like to see more of in 2021 with this 1-minute survey.
One of my resolutions for 2021: to post fun and/or informative blog updates more frequently that help make life on the water all the more grander for you and your crew. Without further ado or clever-as-heck GIFs, below are the Top 10 Dockwa Boater Blog posts of 2020.
10: The Top 40 Boating Destinations in America
This post dates back to 2018, so we'll need to run the data again now that we have twice the number of marinas on board using our software to attract, manage, and delight their boaters. Which ones do you think will make the cut three years later? Chime in on Facebook.
9: Why Length Overall (LOA) Matters – So be honest!
This one makes the top 10 list year after year. Written by one of the first dockhands we hired on to work with marina accounts, this helps give boaters the marina folks' point of view.
8: Boating During COVID-19: How to Stay Safe
Obviously a new topic to the Top 10 and one we'd be more than happy to see drop in the standings. This was prompted by a series of phone calls to boaters all over the country, many of whom were nurses, elderly, had health issues, and all of whom were anxious about boating because of some fellow boaters.
7: Covid-19 Marina Updates
Covid really picked up steam just as boaters were trying to make their way north from Florida and the islands, or get their boats launched. We create a way for marinas –any marina, not just Dockwa partners– to update a status regarding their hours, staffing limitations, and safety protocol changes. This post was a super quick way to make sure more boaters and marinas got the message.
6: Boating Terminology: Parts of a Boat and Common Phrases to Know as a First-Time Cruising Guest
If you're new to boating, there's no shame in that game! Getting to know some lingo may help you feel more at ease as you get your sea legs.
5: How to Dock a Boat: 7 Boat Handling Tips from a Former Dock Hand
When it comes to docking a boat the first few hundred times, the more prepped you are, the better. Take some sage advice from one of our dockhands-turned-account-managers, and let us know how it goes.
4: Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) Bridge Guide
We've had some rave reviews to this resource! Pro-tip: I've compiled feedback on the post itself to share with the author, but if ICW information is something you'd like to see in the app, email to let them know what features – be specific!– would help you more confidently reserve at Dockwa marinas as you cruise.
3: The Best Boating & Sailing Movies to Keep you Afloat on Rainy Days
Some off-the-beaten path films in this post! If winter's keeping you landlocked, check these recs.
2: Crossing the Gulf Stream: How to Boat from Florida to The Bahamas
A few years running! If this post was of use to your Bahamas Fling, or if you have questions you'd like to see us answer in the blog about this boat trip, email to let us know.
1: Boat Names x 3
Three posts in our ongoing Boat Names series tied for top honors last year: The Best Boat Names of 2020, Best Boat Names of Spring 2019, and Boat Names: 20 Tacks to Take When Naming Your Boat. Ready for this year's Boat Names giveaway? Stay tuned for when we open the floodgates on our Facebook page.