It’s always been straightforward to add one-off charges to a given reservation in Dockwa –you can throw in a bag of ice or process a...
Product Update: Gas and Diesel move to Top-Line Income Categories
Post by Becky at Dockwa - Published on 02/26/21 19:46 PM

TL;DR: the Dockwa engineers got wind that marina managers, dock staff, and accountants would save time if "Gas" and "Diesel" were their own top-line categories, as opposed to subcategories that fell under "Fuel." So, they fixed that, and the change goes live this afternoon.
More details:
Hundreds of marinas use Dockwa's Charges tool to fuel their guests up and tack the balance onto their reservation in seconds. It's easy and convenient for boaters and dockhands alike – no fetching your wallet from the nav table, no running into the dock office with a credit card or wad of bills – and a godsend for accountants who need to be able to accurately attribute income.
That said, we're always looking for ways to make marina managers' jobs even easier, and our software even faster.
Up until now, one standard charge category was "Fuel," with Diesel and Gas as items that fell into that charge category. Our product designers heard from marina accountants that if Diesel and Gas were top-line income categories it would make their bookkeeping go much more smoothly – and voila: making the change was underway. (We ❤️ making accountants happy.)
As of today, marina teams will see the two new top-level categories of "Diesel" and "Gas" in the POS item list. Note: you'll also still see the "Fuel" category – we decided to keep it rather than risk interfering with any current categorization processes our partner marinas may have in place.
The two new categories will appear in all invoice, revenue, and sales reports, allowing all departments to track diesel and gas sales in a flash.
To update existing items to reflect the top-line gas/diesel category, it's just a few quick clicks: edit item > change category > select "Gas" or "Diesel." If you don't, remember, you can rest easy: those charges will stay put and continue to be categorized as Fuel.
Friendly reminder: Dockwa's marina management software always has, and always will, evolve based on what you, our customers tell us you need. What do you think of this change? What other changes are you hoping to see? Let us know by emailing