A new financial report is now available to all starter, pro and enterprise Dockwa accounts. The report, which we’ve named the “Item Sales Report” provides a summary and detailed view of all sales made through the Dockwa platform via the “Charges” field. This report will also include any sales made through the standalone POS tool.
How to use the Item Sales Report:
The Item Sales Report will make your books at the end of the month easier, by enabling you to create and import an accurate view of the revenue you’ve generated by source into your accounting tool of choice.
Additionally, the Item Sales Report makes it easier to see how much money you’re making from each item you sell and how frequently you’re selling each item. You can then compare this with your inventory cost and optimize your total product mix. Look for products that are above and below average in terms of the profits they generate and adjust accordingly, leaning into more productive items and running promotions to clear out and underperforming items.
Summary View
By looking at the Detailed View, you can see each expenditure by reservation ID and customer. If you have seasonal or returning customers, you can use this data to plan for the year and ensure you have the right inventory on hand for your regular guests.
Detailed View
A Note on Price Changes: If an item has a price change, we recommend creating a new “Charges” item instead of editing the existing item. Doing so will lead to clearer reporting. If the price for a given item changes during the period of the report, the report will default to showing the last known price creating some inconsistencies in reporting.
The new Item Sales Report is now available to anyone using Dockwa Starter, Pro or enterprise products. You'll find it by selecting "Reports" from the main menu and then looking under "Financial Reports."