Figawi 2022 Cheat-Sheet: Your Guide to Surviving Hyannis and Nantucket
Post by Becky at Dockwa - Published on 05/12/22 13:00 PM

A time-honored tradition of New England sailors, Figawi has held fast through '20 and '21. The course may have adapted until we get the all-clear, but the spirit of the race is still very much intact, so be a part of history by racing the 51st annual Figawi Race Weekend.

Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and was updated to reflect 2022 intel.

"Where the Figawi?!"
Whether you're an old salt or new railmeat, set a course for Figawi 2022.
Figawi Links
Who’s racing? Check the Figawi Scratch Sheet!
Registered? Check the Notice of Race!
Figawi Registration & Kickoff Party
Registration begins at 3:00 pm with live entertainment from 4:00 pm- 7:00pm on Friday, May 27th. Here are the go-to tips for the event:
Party host: Hyannis Yacht Club in Hyannis, MA
The Figawi Store will open earlier than the registration table and party, at 9am
Pro-tip: It's a cash only, barflies hit up the ATM beforehand!
The Figawi Race
This year's race will happen the following Saturday, May 28th and Sunday May, 29th.
Race Start: Hyannis Port – Reserve your slip at Hyannis Marina
Although Figawi typically finishes in Nantucket Harbor with the lion's share of slips reserved for racers at Nantucket Boat Basin (or a mooring ball at Nantucket Moorings), this year's race will send you out and reel you back in for more fun.
Pro-tip #1: Whether on island or the mainland, Figawi fog can turn blustery. Layer up to keep from being miserable on board.
Pro-tip #2: Hang on to your hat! The Figawi hat is a coveted item. If you lose yours on the stumble home, it's unlikely to return.

The Figawi Race Party
The post-race events and awards will begin 6:00- 10:00 pm after Saturday's race. (Sunday's time and location is still TBD, but we'll check back and update this page when that information becomes available.)
Location: Figawi Tent
Pro-tip #1: Keep your bracelet on tight! Once you lose it overboard there's no replacing it.
Pro-tip #2: Find the Figawi Tattoo station and get temporarily branded in the name of charity.
Remember when Gronk randomly showed up? Keep an eye on the #Figawi hashtag on Twitter and Instagram to see what, or who, is causing a ruckus you won't want to miss.
Figawi Joke Tent
Typically reserved for groggy Figawi-Sunday, this event was canceled in recent years due to COVID precautions, but we'll update this post when the 2022 dates are set.
Location: Figawi Tent
Pro-tip #1: The Figawi Bloody Mary packs a punch! Make sure you're not dinghying under the influence after hitting the hard stuff.
Pro-tip #2: Stretch your legs – See some of our favorite places on Nantucket.
Where the Figayou?
Will you be racing? Did you reserve in Hyannis via Dockwa? Let us know and you could score some sweet swag.
Stay tuned for more Dockwa updates by subscribing to the Dockwa blog and by following us on Facebook and Instagram.