Since we rolled out our Boat Charges feature a few months back, marinas have tacked everything from fuel to fishing rods to Dockwa...
"Put it on my tab!" – Pay for Fuel, Ice, and Miscellaneous Marina Purchases via Boat Charges
Post by Becky at Dockwa - Published on 10/10/18 16:57 PM

Between hurricane check-ins and new marina partner onboardings, we almost forgot to give you the heads up on a cool new feature we rolled out a week or so ago.
The Basics
It's not a new concept: Just as when you stay at a hotel and have a drink at the lobby bar or nab a snickers out of the fridge in the dead of night, you have the option to put those items on your hotel bill. Similarly, now when you need ice, fuel, electric, etc., during a stay at a marina that you booked at through Dockwa, you may have the option to add those items added to your Dockwa reservation.
Marinas can set up Boat Charges on the fly – just mention you want to add a charge to your Dockwa account. If they already have the Boat Charge item set up, it'll be done in a jiffy. If they need to set up the Boat Charge item, they can do that in two jiffies (~3 min). Click here for step-by-step DIY instructions. (Need a hand? Contact Dockwa Support at 401-236-8304,, or by clicking the Chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of Marina staff may also contact their Dockwa MSM directly.)
Why is this cool?
No more running back to your boat to get your credit card to pay $2 for ice
No more searching for an ATM or paying ATM fees if a marina only takes cash
Your payment information stays safe – hidden and encrypted, as opposed to jotted down in a ledger or logged in an excel sheet
Marinas can add various items, including events, meals, and ship's store items
The total cost of your stay is all in one place, where you can view it any time
"Put it on my Dockwa tab" – it's so fast to say! Try it! Super fast.
Each marina determines which items to include, if any, so available Boat Charges will vary from marina to marina
- Boat Charges is a free tool within the Dockwa software; it's not mandatory that marinas use it. One of the things marinas like about Dockwa is that the software is flexible, and we intend to keep it that way. :)
Now you know! To help marinas get started, send them this link: