If you follow Dockwa on social media, you may have already seen our latest update announcing our new Contracts tool for marinas. Here's the...
📣 Celebrating 1,000 Partner Marinas, Yacht Clubs, and Boat Yards!
Post by Becky at Dockwa - Published on 01/06/20 14:00 PM

In some industries, business owners and operators start to mentally check out mid-December. In the boating industry, marina teams are hustling to winterize boats, collect dockage payments, and check off a few final to-do list items to wrap up their year. We here at Dockwa had our sights set on hitting our own goal before packing it in.
By noon on the last business day before our holiday break, we'd already hit a new record of welcoming 14 marinas within a single week – quietly counting up to the 1,000 marina mark with each one. We welcomed four marinas to the network that Thursday, and on Friday, with four more, our 1,000th location went live with hours to spare in 2019. And holy smokes, folks, were we ever excited.
1,000 marinas on Dockwa translates to more than 10% of U.S. marinas using Dockwa to help manage transient and long-term dockage. This makes Dockwa the largest marina booking and contract management platform in the world, accounting for more than 150,000 slips, moorings, and other dockage assets available for boaters to reserve and rent directly through Dockwa’s website and mobile apps.
The more marinas that join, the more boaters follow suit, and vice versa. Dockwa helps grow marina businesses by providing boaters a central marketplace and more consistent booking experience – and when marinas succeed, boaters reap the benefits.
Each month we publish the newest additions to Dockwa, and throughout the month in our Facebook Group – not out of vanity (although we are proud to see marinas catching on more and more quickly), but because those posts remain a crowd favorite. You love exploring the latest marinas as much as we love bringing them on board and sharing them with you, so we hope you're as excited as we are for this huge Dockwa – and industry-wide – milestone. If you're someone who enjoys puttering along the map of the coastline perusing locations, the marketing team went rogue and created a googlemaps overlay showing all 1,000 locations:
From the team at Dockwa, a huge thank you to all of our partner marinas and boaters. Whether you use the software and leave it at that, or give us suggestions, share the app or our blog posts with friends, and encourage other marinas to look into how it works – all of it has helped us grow and improve.